Friday, 2 September 2011

Poor baby girl Lilly

Poor baby girl Lilly is once again at the vets having yet more invasive surgery. She has been having problem peeing for a while and has recently become incontinent. dipstick tests have shown blood in her urine and walk have become horrendous with her stopping every few feet and straining to pee. The urine was spun to check for crystals but nothing showed up. So today she has gone in for an x-ray and has a bladder full of calculi (large stones). Too large to be flushed out and so she will need a cystotomy to remove them. Lilly must be going for the record number of problems in one year!! The surgery itself is fairly straightforward and has relatively few complications (thankfully for you know what our luck is like!!) so she should be her old self in a few days. The stones will need analysing to see what they're made up of and it may be that she will need a special diet to prevent stones forming again. We'll keep you posted.